Biochemistry Meets Art: A Student’s Journey to Make Science More Tangible for Everyone
During my senior year of undergrad, I had a moment of clarity while attempting to explain my biochemical research to friends outside the field. Their faces ranged from politely confused to outright lost, and my sister summed it up perfectly by joking, “All you do is transfer clear liquids back and forth!” That got me thinking.
From the outside, it might look like just pipettes and colorless solutions, but beneath the surface lies an intricate microscopic world that most people rarely think about. I wanted to change that.
What if they could see what I was talking about? Using 3D printing, I started creating models of enzymes to help people visualize and connect with the science I’m passionate about. What began as a way to explain my research has grown to help others appreciate the beauty of the invisible world around us.
I hope these creations spark the same wonder and curiosity in you that first inspired me to create them, whether you are a scientist, a student, an appreciator of art, or simply a curious mind. Thanks for stopping by!
– Zoë